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Learn PHP 5 & MySQL In Arabic | كورسات

Learn PHP 5 & MySQL In Arabic | كورسات

معلومات الكورس

  1. المادة : PHP 5 & MySQL
  2. عدد الدروس : 91
  3. اللغة : عربي
  4. مقدم الكورس : Elzero Web School

وصف الكورس

تعرف على المميزات والعناصر و الخواص الجديدة في الإصدار الخامس من لغة البرمجة الشهيرة PHP5 و MySQL

محتوى الكورس

  1. Introduction And What's PHP
  2. What I Need
  3. Setup & Configure XAMPP
  4. Syntax
  5. Output [ Echo / Print ]
  6. Variables
  7. Concatenation
  9. Data Type Overview
  10. Constants
  11. If, Elseif, Else
  12. Arithmetic Operators
  13. Assignment Operators
  14. Comparison Operators
  15. Increment / Decrement Operators
  16. Logical Operators
  17. Error Control Operator
  18. String Operators
  19. All Operators
  20. For Loop
  21. For Loop Advanced
  22. While Loop
  23. Do, While Loop
  24. Foreach Loop
  25. All Loop Practice
  26. Function Intro
  27. Function With Arguments
  28. Function With Return
  29. Function Return vs Echo
  30. Function Advanced
  31. Array Intro
  32. Array Indexed
  33. Array Associative
  34. Array Multidimensional
  35. Array Practice
  36. Array Methods - Search
  37. Array Methods - Add Items
  38. Array Methods - Remove Items
  39. Array Methods - Sort Indexed Array
  40. Array Methods - Sort Associative Array
  41. Array Methods - Shuffle, Reverse
  42. Array Methods - Array Fill
  43. Array Methods - Array Sum
  44. Array Methods - Array Rand
  45. Array Methods - Array Unique
  46. String Functions - Explode
  47. String Functions - Implode
  48. String Functions - Str_Split, Chunk_Split
  49. String Functions - Str_Replace
  50. String Functions - Str_[Repeat, Shuffle], StrLen
  51. String Functions - AddSlashes, Strip_Tags
  52. String Functions - StrToLower, StrToUpper
  53. String Functions - Trim
  54. String Functions - Str_Word_Count
  55. String Functions - Nl2br, Parse_Str
  56. String Functions - StrPos, StriPos, StrrPos
  57. String Functions - StrStr, StriStr, StrChr
  58. String Functions - Strcmp, StrnCmp, StrRev
  59. String Functions - SubStr
  60. String Functions - Substr_[Compare, Count]
  61. Control Structure - Include, Require
  62. Control Structure - Switch
  63. File System - Intro
  64. File System - File_Exists, Is_Writable
  65. File System - MkDir, RmDir, Is_Dir
  66. File System - Dirname, Basename
  67. File System - Simple Training 1
  68. File System - File Put Contents
  69. File System - File Get Contents
  70. File System - Rename, Copy
  71. File System - Pathinfo
  72. File System - Unlink, RmDir + Examples
  73. File System - Scandir
  74. File System - Fopen
  75. File System - Fread
  76. File System - Fwrite
  77. File System - Fseek
  78. File System - Fclose + Training 2
  79. Predefined Variables - Globals
  80. Predefined Variables - Server
  81. Predefined Variables - Get
  82. Predefined Variables - Post
  83. Predefined Variables - Request
  84. Cookies - Check If Cookie Is Enabled
  85. Cookies - Set Cookie + Examples
  86. Cookies - Modify, Delete Cookie + Training
  87. Session - Start | Resume Session
  88. Session - Modify Session
  89. Session - End | Destroy Session
  90. Session Training - Simple Counter
  91. Session Training - Simple Login

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